With a beautiful day to explore, the Townsend's Chipmunks met up at Clayton Beach for their final outing of the season. We didn't waste any time getting down into the forest to check out all the wonders waiting for us.
Checking out the waterfall |
Tricking the mentors into thinking there was a big cliff (there wasn't!) |
We even fit in a game of Spider's Web! |
After feeling satisfied with our time in the forest we pushed on with our outing eager to get to the beach and the sunshine. Along the way we even found time to get some walking sticks for us to practice our carving.
Working on walking sticks by the water |
Hard to beat our carving spot... |
Spreading out we began searching for crab and other critters |
We even found a lizard! |
and..... |
caught it! |
This was such a fun outing to be a part of. We got to play in the forest, carve on the rocks, search for critters on the beach, and even get up close and personal with a local lizard.
The Townsend's Chipmunks not only took a big step in responsibility by learning The Art of Carving, but they also took a big step as a group that communicates, overcomes conflict, gets excited to explore together, and is able to take on the greater responsibilities that come with demonstrating that this group is greater than the sum of its parts.
There is no doubt this season was a challenge as we honed our focus to carve, harnessed our energy to refine our collaboration skills, and stretched our edges to build resiliency. This season was also a blast for mentors and Explorers alike. This group took the next step to grow closer, build upon past memories to foster those for the future, and exudes a desire to explore, learn, and grow not only as individuals but together alongside one another as a group, as the Townsend's Chipmunks.
Take a moment to check out the rest of our photos from this outing
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