The sunshine was already warm as the Townsend's chipmunks gathered for their final outing of the Spring season. June can be such a mixed bag of weather; sun one day and full on rain and cold temperatures the next. I felt lucky to have such a nice day for our exploration of Lookout Mountain Forest Preserve.
With the hot weather we all decided it best to hike a short ways into the forest's canopy and cooler temperatures for our opening circle. A small grassy patch along the side of the trail presented as an excellent spot for the circle. We dropped packs and began to the customary tradition of deciding on jobs and making plans for how to spend our outing. Most of the boys were ansy in the circle and held little focus on the decision making process; thus dragging this circle into a long and slightly arduous process. After a few debates the group at last laid a framework for the day; hike into the woods first to play games, then explore the falls.

Our trail threaded it’s way through thick stands of salmonberry and elderberry with punctuations of tall alders and a few coniferous species. Once we were a good way into the forest we had the boys split up into two groups for an activity called a Song Line This is a traditional tool used for route finding used amongst many indigenous people. (Ask your son to explain it to you. This is not only a fun activity in explorers club but also a great activity on a family hike!). The two groups parted ways in separate directions to create a song line.

Once back together the groups took turns sharing their song lines and letting the other group try and follow it back to a bandana. Each group ended up being successful in finding the bandana, but not without a few wrong turns along the way. It was really great to see the boys working as a team to decipher the clues and problem solve their errors. In the debrief we talked extensively about the various components to a song line and how we could improve in the future.
With the afternoon upon us it was time to make the trek up to the falls. I could go on and on about the playful energy of the boys, the enthusiasm with which they explored, the curiosity at all the things they found, their courageous leaps from one rock the the next, their numerous discoveries, or how their laughter filled the whole ravine, but I will leave those stories to them. I will say that when I think of Explorers club it is moments like these at the falls that come to mind.
Our closing circle was excellent; the boys showed an amazing amount of growth from the way that they had conducted themselves in the morning circle. Everyone was focused on listening to what their peers had to say and gave some very heartfelt gratitude for the day. It was pleasure to explore with your boys and spend time in such an amazing spot! Thank you Townsend’s Chipmunks for your growth as a group and growing maturity as individuals, we look forward to future adventures with you!
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