We met at Whatcom falls park on an unusually warm September day for our first outing with the Townsend Chipmunks. There were still signs of the approaching fall, fallen leaves, nettles that are wilting and dying back , but today felt like summer. This transition from summer to fall is my favorite time of year and ideal for beginning a season of exploration with these boys.
As boys trickled in a game of otter steals fish began. Diving, crawling and sneaking into the center to steal a fish is sometimes the best way to meet one another. Once all had arrived we made our way into the forest for an opening meeting. Our energy quickly took us off trail and up onto a beautiful forested plateau; a perfect spot for our first circle together as a group of Townsend Chipmunks.
It was a lot of sitting for all of us, but after establishing some basics of explorers club culture we were able to explore with more freedom. Crowe calls, group decision making, sticks, hazards, and generally acting as a group were all part of our discussion. We packed up and were immediately faced with our first decision as a group. Which way should we go? Explorers pointed in all directions and the chatter reached such a pitch that even a douglas squirrel decided to join in. finally we were able to reach a consensus, sacrifices were made and it took a while but we all felt good about the collaborative decision we had reached.
We played Hide!, camouflaged with ferns and bandanas, ran up and down hills, compared cool hiding spots, found devils club, forged new trails, followed each other, helped get explorers packs down a steep hill, snacked on lunch, and laughed. before any of us new it the time had come to start heading back. We had a closing circle and gave thanks while sharing some crisp apples.
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